La guía de las franquicias más importantes
Franquicias de Asesorías / Consultorías
Nombre de la franquicia Inverbras Nombre de la empresa Inverbras Dirección C/ Velazquez, 53, 2I Población Madrid Provincia Madrid |
Persona de contacto Antonio Estevez Creación empresa 2011 Creación franquicia 2015 Franquicias España 1 Franquicias extranjero 0 Inversión total 20.000 Canon de entrada 20.000 Royalty No hay Canon de publicidad No hay |
Duración del contrato Sin límite ¿Es prorrogable? SI Ayuda financiera SI Metros del local No es necesario Caracteristicas del local No es necesario Población mínima Capital de provincia |
Inverbras is a consultancy company specializes in international business development with an undeniable success model tested for four years in internationalization projects in Brazil and now planning for expanding this model to other countries.
In Inverbras we support our clients in developing their business beyond our borders offering a wide range of services including:
Strategic advice.
Support for export.
Support for the local implementation.
Management of commercial development.
Founded in 2010, counts among its clients with important references in the national business scene.
As the basis of its growth strategy Inverbras is creating a network of regional offices in partnership so that our partners regional directors take responsibility, both local development of their own regional office as of leading a sector of expertise.
If you meet the following requirements:
1. Have the necessary entrepreneurial spirit to develop autonomously and independently your own local office of international consulting.
2. Have passion for consulting understanding the value that, these services, have for our customers.
3. The required level of dialogue that should provide more than ten years of experience in project development consulting or possibly occupying positions of responsibility in medium or large companies.
We want to suggest that you evaluate the possibility to join our network of regional offices in partnership.
In Inverbras we support our clients in developing their business beyond our borders offering a wide range of services including:
Strategic advice.
Support for export.
Support for the local implementation.
Management of commercial development.
Founded in 2010, counts among its clients with important references in the national business scene.
As the basis of its growth strategy Inverbras is creating a network of regional offices in partnership so that our partners regional directors take responsibility, both local development of their own regional office as of leading a sector of expertise.
If you meet the following requirements:
1. Have the necessary entrepreneurial spirit to develop autonomously and independently your own local office of international consulting.
2. Have passion for consulting understanding the value that, these services, have for our customers.
3. The required level of dialogue that should provide more than ten years of experience in project development consulting or possibly occupying positions of responsibility in medium or large companies.
We want to suggest that you evaluate the possibility to join our network of regional offices in partnership.